Abraham is looking for a Rental Property / Apartment in Utrecht

Abraham is looking for: A Rental Property / Apartment in Utrecht

  • Rental Property / Apartment
  • Min. 80 m2
  • Male
  • 12 Immediately

My name is Abraham, 31 years old. I am a professional that enjoys the life in Utrecht. I have been living in Maassen for the past 3 years. Now I am looking for a change in my living situation, where I can afford a bigger place with nice amenities and closeness to the city center. We have a car and ideally, we would like to have a parking space in the vicinity.

The rent price for this department is something I can afford comfortably with my salary. I want to stay for the long run (more than a year)

I live with my partner who is working as well. we don't have kinds nor pets; we don't smoke and spend most of the time working.

Ik verstand heel goed Nederlands, Ik ben nog steeds leren, maar Ik kan goed communiceren, dus communicatie is geen enkel probleem, maar Ik voerkeur Engels sinds het is het makkelijkste voor mij.

General information: Abraham
  Male, 32 years old
Type of tenant: Professional