Alberto  is looking for a Room in Utrecht

Alberto is looking for: A Room in Utrecht

  • Room
  • Min. 15 m2
  • Male
  • 12 Immediately

Hello! I'm looking for an apartment in Utrecht to start the next semester at UU. I will be finishing a masters degree in applied ethics by the end of the year [hopefully].
I moved to Spain when I was about 17 to begin my university degree at the Complutense University of Madrid. Since then I have been working and studying continually here in the city.
I'm looking for a place where I might meet friendly people with whom to explore the city with. I'm most interested in a familial setting, where everyone is eager to do activities around the city and to go out.
I love to travel and explore new countries. My travels encompass mostly Latin America and the Mediterranean, but I am more than excited to see what northern Europe has to offer!!
I have strange hobbies, certainly ones that don't obviously mix well at first glance. I practice a wide range of sports from horseback riding, to scuba diving, and even longboarding. Moreover, I play the cello, upright bass, and was learning the violin as well; however most of these hobbies have to be left behind for now given my move from Spain.
I personally am quite a quiet roommate, usually wearing headphones while in my room. However, despite this I'm not a timid person either; more than eager to meet new people and see what the city has to offer!

General information: Alberto
  Male, 28 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  1st study year Philosophy, Applied Ethics (Graduate School)