Charles is looking for a Rental Property / Room / Studio / Apartment / HouseBoat in Utrecht

Charles is looking for: A Rental Property / Room / Studio / Apartment / HouseBoat in Utrecht

  • Rental Property / Room / Studio / Apartment / HouseBoat
  • Min. 25 m2
  • Male
  • 12 Immediately

I'm a mature student (27 years old) moving to Utrecht to study with my girlfriend, Henni, who is 26. This is the first time either of us have been to university so we're very excited. We've spent most of our time since we left school travelling.

We both speak English fluently and Henni speaks German.

We're very sociable, love to cook for other people, we're neat and tidy, I love to run we're nice guys!

We're looking for somewhere to rent at the end of August for the new academic year.

General information: Charles
  Male, 33 years old