Richelle  zoekt een Studio / Appartement in Utrecht

Richelle zoekt: Een Studio / Appartement in Utrecht

  • Studio / Appartement
  • Min. 12 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 12 Per direct

I am Richelle Dsouza (female). I turn 19 as of February 12th of this year, 2022. I am originally from Mumbai, India. However, I have lived in Singapore for the past 6 years of my life. I am currently enrolled in Utrecht University, studying a bachelors in Global Sustainability Science (First year). I chose this as my study major as I am keen on exploring the relationships between man and nature, and what can be done to better this relationship. I enjoy my study, and I also really love living in Utrecht. My plan as of now, is to live in Utrecht for the next 2 years of my bachelors (till 4th July 2024) and if all goes well, stay in the Netherlands for longer. I love being around people, and consider myself to be quite social, but I also enjoy having time for myself. Some of my hobbies include, acting, dancing, playing the ukulele, watching TED Talks, travelling and hiking. Recently, I have also started learning Dutch, which is quite exciting for me, although I am not very good but hopefully in due time, I will get better. Ideally, I would like to move in around May 2022 but I do acknowledge the competitiveness of the housing market in Utrecht, and hence, I am open to moving in earlier as well. My budget would be around 450-500 excluding gas, water, & electricity.

Algemene informatie: Richelle
  Vrouw, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Global Sustainability Science (UNIVERSITEIT)
  Lid van Storm en Storm